2024-11-04 -
A template for creating card sorting games in R
2024-10-19 -
The Climate Impact Sorting Challenge
2024-09-22 -
A Bayesian Plackett-Luce model in Stan applied to pinball championship data
2024-08-04 -
CopenhagenR, the 2024 spring season
2024-06-07 -
Public Pinball Machines per Capita: A new global indicator
2024-03-24 -
Modeling my pinball scores
2024-02-20 -
Why pandas feels clunky when coming from R
2024-02-12 -
Baking the cake dataset cake
2024-01-28 -
The source of the cake dataset
2023-12-02 -
Get a Git repo where your team can stow their throwaway data science code!
2023-03-21 -
officialcocktails.com - An AI-generated cocktails site
2023-03-13 -
IBA cocktails in csv and json format: But why?!!
2023-03-12 -
The International Bartenders Association (IBA) cocktails in csv and json format
2023-03-03 -
Call ChatGPT (or really any other API) from R
2023-02-20 -
P-value bowling
2023-02-15 -
Three strategies to tackle Big Data in R and Python
2023-02-12 -
Putting the top 100 R packages into a GIF
2023-02-05 -
Data from the file drawer: Remembering case-sensitive and case-insensitive words
2020-12-29 -
The Tidyverse in a Table
2019-01-22 -
Image Dithering in R
2018-12-13 -
Yet another visualization of the Bayesian Beta-Binomial model
2018-12-12 -
My introductory course on Bayesian statistics
2017-08-14 -
A Stan case study, sort of: The probability my son will be stung by a bumblebee
2017-05-08 -
Video Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, Part 3: How to do Bayes?
2017-02-27 -
Video Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, Part 2: Why use Bayes?
2017-02-13 -
Video Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, Part 1: What is Bayes?
2017-01-15 -
Beginners Exercise: Bayesian Computation with Stan and Farmer Jöns
2016-09-21 -
A Fun Gastronomical Dataset: What’s on the Menu?
2016-09-14 -
How I made some Pokémon Business Cards
2016-07-21 -
Bayesian Bootstrap: The Movie + Some Highlights from UseR! 2016
2016-06-12 -
How to Cut Your Planks with R
2016-02-19 -
bayesboot: An R package for doing the Bayesian bootstrap
2015-12-31 -
bayes.js: A Small Library for Doing MCMC in the Browser
2015-12-01 -
Eight Christmas Gift Ideas for the Statistically Interested
2015-11-06 -
A Bayesian Model to Calculate Whether My Wife is Pregnant or Not
2015-09-17 -
The Map of Romantic Kissing with Leaflet and R
2015-08-10 -
Basic MCMC and Bayesian statistics in… BASIC!
2015-07-26 -
Tiny Data, Approximate Bayesian Computation and the Socks of Karl Broman: The Movie
2015-07-14 -
Easy Bayesian Bootstrap in R
2015-07-06 -
Hygge at UseR! 2015, Aalborg
2015-06-18 -
Big Data and Chess Follow-up: Predictive Piece Values Over the Course of a Game
2015-06-10 -
Big Data and Chess: What are the Predictive Point Values of Chess Pieces?
2015-04-17 -
The Non-parametric Bootstrap as a Bayesian Model
2015-03-25 -
A Speed Comparison Between Flexible Linear Regression Alternatives in R
2015-01-08 -
Probable Points and Credible Intervals, Part 2: Decision Theory
2014-12-17 -
Peter Norvig’s Spell Checker in Two Lines of Base R
2014-11-13 -
How to Summarize a 2D Posterior Using a Highest Density Ellipse
2014-11-05 -
Tidbits from the Books that Defined S (and R)
2014-10-26 -
Probable Points and Credible Intervals, Part 1: Graphical Summaries
2014-10-20 -
Tiny Data, Approximate Bayesian Computation and the Socks of Karl Broman
2014-09-04 -
Bayesian First Aid: Poisson Test
2014-07-30 -
drinkR: Estimate your Blood Alcohol Concentration using R and Shiny.
2014-07-07 -
Chillin’ at UseR! 2014
2014-06-29 -
beepr (former pingr) is on CRAN. It’s easier than ever to make R go beep!
2014-06-27 -
Bayesian First Aid: Test of Proportions
2014-06-11 -
The Most Comprehensive Review of Comic Books Teaching Statistics
2014-05-03 -
Jeffreys’ Substitution Posterior for the Median: A Nice Trick to Non-parametrically Estimate the Median
2014-03-17 -
Bayesian First Aid: Pearson Correlation Test
2014-03-07 -
A Hack to Create Matrices in R, Matlab style
2014-03-02 -
Oldies but Goldies: Statistical Graphics Books
2014-02-25 -
Bayesian First Aid: Two Sample t-test
2014-02-13 -
A Significantly Improved Significance Test. Not!
2014-02-04 -
Bayesian First Aid: One Sample and Paired Samples t-test
2014-01-27 -
: The R Package that Sounds as it is Called
2014-01-20 -
Bayesian First Aid: Binomial Test
2014-01-10 -
Bayesian First Aid
2013-12-31 -
An Animation of the Construction of a Confidence Interval
2013-12-26 -
The Mascots of Bayesian Statistics
2013-12-23 -
Three Syntax Additions that Would Make R Even More Awesome
2013-12-07 -
An Animation of the t Distribution as a Mixture of Normals
2013-12-02 -
Shaping up Laplace Approximation using Importance Sampling
2013-11-22 -
Easy Laplace Approximation of Bayesian Models in R
2013-10-20 -
How Do You Write Your Model Definitions?
2013-09-30 -
A Bayesian Twist on Tukey’s Flogs
2013-09-22 -
Going to Plot Some Proportions? Why not Flog ’em First?
2013-09-05 -
SPSS looked great! 20 years ago…
2013-08-28 -
Bayesian Estimation of Correlation - Now Robust!
2013-08-19 -
The Bayesian Counterpart of Pearson’s Correlation Test
2013-08-05 -
Modeling Match Results in La Liga Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model: Part three.
2013-07-28 -
Modeling Match Results in La Liga Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model: Part two.
2013-07-21 -
Modeling Match Results in La Liga Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model: Part one.
2013-07-14 -
useR 2013 was a blast!
2013-06-23 -
Three Ways to Run Bayesian Models in R
2013-06-20 -
Bayesian Modeling of Anscombe’s Quartet